A few of the amazing businesses we collaborate with

Collaborating with Top Businesses to Enhance Workplace Culture

Crozdesk quality choice badge - Top ranked solution for 2024

Business Leaders Trust Qarrot for
Building Strong Workplaces

"Wonderful Incentive Platform"
Qarrot is an easy-to-use and fun platform for staff and employee incentives. It is a great way to help encourage employees to complete goals and reach new levels!
"Such a reinforcing app"
I love that my coworkers and I can support each other positively. It's always a nice surprise receiving a shoutout on Qarrot.
"Keep Your Business and Employees Active"
It is the perfect platform for those companies that are looking for improving the strength of teams, the morale of teams, and the culture of workplaces. It is providing flexibility for designing and making recognition programs according to the structure and objectives of the organization.
Capterra BadgeSourceforge BadgeSoftware Advice Badge


Can I try Qarrot for free?

Yes, you can try Qarrot for free for 30 days, along with up to 9 other employees. No credit card required. Our Customer Success Team can also help you get started quickly with a short tutorial session.

How long does implementation take?

It’s quick and easy to get started with Qarrot. Schedule your 1-hour onboarding session and get started on the same day. No IT required.

What payment methods are available?

You can pay your monthly subscription by credit card. Other forms of payment are available to companies with 200 employees or more.

How do you protect information?

When using Qarrot, all of your data is sent via HTTPS. That means your data (such as passwords) are encrypted, so they can't be intercepted by hackers. Qarrot is hosted by Microsoft Azure, a cloud service that is secured and well-equipped to handle power failures and DDoS attacks.

Expand your recognition program to Microsoft Teams and Slack.

Save time and make the transition to Qarrot effortless by
integrating with the software your employees already use and love.

Need a comprehensive resource to find the ultimate solution?

Get our free e-guide to search for the best employee recognition software that will help you deliver results!

A man sitting in front of a computer with his left hand on his chin in a thinking position
A woman throw a glass board looking at post-its

Ready to uncover the potential return on investment and benefits of your program?

Learn how you can calculate its financial impact with our FREE business case template!

Get started on the right track with an easy, fun, and effective way to reward your employees!

Launch your first employee recognition program today with our FREE guide!

Two professionals standing in a conference room and smiling towards the camera
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