Achieve goals with incentive driven campaigns

Engagement & Motivation
December 13, 2020

Even the best and brightest of employees can hit a slump now and then when it comes to being motivated. Employee motivation has always been a key concern for managers, this year especially. And it’s not simply keeping employees motivated enough to hit their goals. Effective leaders will approach employee motivation with a long term vision in mind, rather than a flash in the pan that falls to the wayside once a goal has been met. This ensures that employees continuously work towards new achievements and develop their skills while feeling supported. 

Infamous culprits that hinder motivation include things like stress, fatigue, and burnout. A lesser known, however equally as impactful factor on employee motivation, is recognition. Can you believe that 40% of Americans say they would put more energy into their work if they were recognized more often? While this isn’t exactly great news, just imagine how much more a team could achieve when adding recognition to the mix! 

We know that employees respond well to recognition and that these processes are even more effective when done in a group setting, also known as social recognition. Research suggests that employees are no longer driven by monetary incentives, and that assuming as such can hinder their performance. Instead, employees should have the option to choose the rewards associated with their recognition. After all, as different as your employee's goals are, so are the incentives that motivate them. So how can you recognize and support employees in a way that motivates them individually while delivering results? 

Related Article: Create engaging incentive campaigns with Qarrot 

Driving employee success with Qarrot incentive campaigns 

Motivate objectives with awards 

Our incentive campaigns are totally customizable to nurture and reflect the employee goals that are unique to your company - anything from lead generation to employee wellness. By participating in a campaign, your employees can earn additional forms of recognition for reaching goals, like badges and points which they can redeem for their choice of reward in the Qarrot catalog. By giving employees the agency to choose their own rewards, managers can make their recognition process feel a lot more personal while simultaneously motivating employee and business success. 

Engaging gamification features 

As explored in our previous blog post, gamification is the newest trend for boosting employee engagement and performance. Our minds, quite literally, are wired to respond positively to processes with game-like features. So adding them to your recognition process is a no-brainer. Throughout Qarrot incentive campaigns, participants can avail of gamification features like the leaderboard or trophy case to keep track of their progress towards any campaign’s objective. Campaign participants can also see when others earn awards for reaching campaign goals and celebrate each other’s achievements. Gamification means that employees can enjoy their progress towards accomplishing their goal, rather than simply counting down the days until a goal has been met.

Related Article: Benefits of positive reinforcement in the workplace 

Easy campaign administration 

You might be thinking, “Gamification? Points and badges? Incentive campaigns? That must be an administrative nightmare!”. On the contrary, there is no reason to lose sleep over employee recognition. Qarrot takes any administrative burden off your shoulders when it comes to the recognition process, including our objective-driven campaigns. Participants can enter their own campaign results and redeem their collected points for rewards instantly through the Qarrot catalog. This makes it easy to target and motivate specific teams or individuals within your company while requiring minimal involvement from management.

Discover how to motivate your teams while simultaneously reaching business objectives with Qarrot incentive campaigns - book a demo with Qarrot today! 

Jamie Doyle